...Over at Crunchy Chicken's "who is the craziest, most out-there environmental blogger." Greenpa is way, way out ahead, with almost everyone mentioning his three holer. Quick, Eric, get a shovel - we have to dig an outhouse!!! Peer pressure, peer pressure!
Cheers (and Thanks Crunchy!!!),
Sunday, January 13, 2008
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Instead of a three-holer, you might think about a composting toilet. Four years ago, we had to replace our septic system, and I all but begged my husband (also named Eric ... hmm?) to put in a composting toilet. His answer was that eye-rolling thing-y somebody mentioned. What's up with that? Oh, and that was BEFORE the clothesline and the Diva cup. I keep telling him someday his eyes are going to stick like that ... ;).
I'm so totally lagging behind, it's not even funny. But, then again I can't really compete with you nut jobs! And I mean that in a very dear way.
Time to install a composting toilet, dig a well and put up solar panels. Except I'm pretty sure I can't legally do any of those things. I don't think I can even have chickens in my neighborhood. I'll have to petition to get those covenants removed.
BTW, you and Colin (No Impact Man) are currently neck and neck at 24%. I'm rooting for ya'! Go, Sharon, Go!
"Outhouse"...."lagging behind".....hmmm.
I love y'all but I had to vote for Crunchy. Because, you see, my life is currently very similar to Greenpa's, and that doesn't seem "crazy" to me at all! Likewise, Sharon's posts make it all sound so logical and necessary, that all those lifestyle changes may be many things, but "crazy" doesn't seem to be one of them! Only Crunch seemed to have the required je-ne-sais-quoi to win this poll in my mind. Either that or just call me 'unclear on the concept' of a who's craziest poll!
Western Great Basin
I would so love to have a composting toilet - I've visited places with really nice homemade ones.
Even a little commercial jobby in the basement - today, I had to wait for my 2 year old to sit on the potty and sing Baa Baa Black Sheep about 1002 times before it was my turn to pee.
But, you know - none of you has done jail time or built a two-story outhouse named Maggie. Or used the shell of a dead car as a greenhouse. So I think the Scottish peace camp folks are going to remain the craziest environmentalists I've ever met.
I voted for Colin. Crunchy and Sharon are far too reasonable to be crazy, and Greenpa has a great sense of humor. Colin is just too preachy/too into a "project" that would sell($$$), and it just didn't strike me right. Hell, maybe that's not crazy, but the American way!
We have two homemade indoor composting toilets, as well as a couple of flush toilets left in place. But somehow the outhouse has a bigger psychological impact, I guess.
Dig, Eric, dig!!!
Sharon ;-)
The best part I learned from reading the links with this post is that Greenpa still uses toilet paper. Call me a novice, but I can't see getting beyond that without having being forced to do so by economic factors.
Any info anywhere on how to capture methane from a septic/compost? That seems worthwhile--although I can see guests gagging when I tell them about the origin of the fuel used to cook the food they are eating.
I would love an outhouse, a one seater w it halfmoon on the door :). I think my town would frown onitmight build a chicken coop that looks like one :).
But......I have this neato idea, can onebuy a port o potty, maybe a used one that a port o potty company wants to liquidate :)?
Then I'd put it somewhere maybe inside our barn maybe outside. I wouldntuse blue water I'd put in a five gallon bucket for a composting toliet. This would mostly be for my CSA members. I rented a port o potty one summer but it was almost $300.
And a blue port of potty will not attract attention (even though you want us to) I think an outhouse might not be allowed :).
I used alot of outhouses as a kid, there was still on at girlscout and 4-H camp. And the spot we spent our weekendd(on a pond) only had outhouses (one a two seater) until the late 70s when we built a house with a bathroom.
Beth in Massachusetts
anon, compost doesn't produce methane (or if it does, it's not getting aerated enough.) Manure lagoons and landfills produce methane because they are decomposing under anaerobic conditions.
You'll be delighted to know, Sharon, that I voted for YOU! :-) Yes, I believe in outdoors elimination, but YOU believe in LOGIC! Proof of your total nuttiness, I'm afraid.
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