Tuesday, February 19, 2008


A couple of notes for y'all:

1. There are still four spaces left in the online food storage class. The in-person one (much less in depth than this) was a lot of fun - I really enjoyed it, and can't wait to get into more detail about food storage. That class concentrated almost entirely on bulk purchasing and dry grains, but I'm looking forward to getting into preserving your own and a host of other things. So if you were hoping to join, but presuming the class was full up, please send me an email at jewishfarmer@gmail.com.

I'll also be putting up preliminary materials for those following along online next week. I'm looking forward to the blog conversations we'll have about this.

2. So only a short time after I premiered my latest blog, I'm shutting it down - and this one too!

But that doesn't mean I'm going to stop blogging (give up my rantings - never!). After I premiered Depletion-Abundance, an online friend of mine, Deb, kindly emailed me to say that she thought the site sucked ;-).

Note: Edited to say Deb didn't actually say it sucked. She said she thought it was kind of underwhelming. I don't want to give anyoen the impression Deb was rude - but it sounded funnier this way ;-).

But she had a cure for this - she offered to help me set up a brand new website that would cover blog, books, and other materials. She wouldn't even take my firstborn son in return - so I hope she'll take my profuse public thanks!

So Deb has designed a gorgeous new site for me, and kicked my behind into taking it seriously. She's been working like a dog on it, and I'll be premiering the site sometime next week. All the material from here will be available there (link coming), including the older archived posts from both sites. Plus there will be new material.

In the meantime, there probably won't be many new blog posts in the next few days, as we transfer stuff over. Bear with us - it should be a short term problem.I'll put up an announcement when the time comes, but I just wanted you to know that it is in the offing.




Anonymous said...

Hooray for Deb :-) I've often thought you deserved a much more professional looking site Sharon.

I wish my budget would allow me to join your class but since it doesn't I hope it is a great success and everyone learns a lot.

Theresa said...

Looking forward to seeing the new site!

(I'm hoping to be able to take the course if it is offered again in future - had some serious vet bills this month that took precedence this time.)

David said...

Don't scare me like that!!

For a moment, I thought you were quitting blogging.

Whew. Deep breaths.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you had me worried for a moment! Glad to know you'll still be writing!

Anonymous said...

Don't supose you'll call the new one after Mary Garth?


Lisa Zahn said...

I also decided I couldn't do the class this time around for budget reasons.

I hope it's filling up, though!


jewishfarmer said...

Hi Folks - The chances of getting me to shut up are pretty small ;-).

BTW, anyone who wanted to take the class but couldn't afford it should send me an email around the end of the month - if I've got a couple of spaces left, which at the moment I do, I'll let the rest of the spaces go for free.


Anonymous said...

whew- thought you were gonna stop blogging for a bit there-

glad you'll keep on- and all on one site- having 2 sites didn't make a whole lot of sense to me actually-

Anonymous said...

I agree with you about these. Well someday Ill create a blog to compete you! lolz.

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