Well, Crunchy has done me one much better - she's not only talking about menstruation, she's making change in the world. Millions of young African women miss school because they have no menstrual supplies. Commercial makers of disposables are supplying some of them - and getting a lot of advertising credit for it, but the pads are then burnt, and the free supplies are a temporary measure, designed to create a market for disposable products many poor women and girls can ill afford. Crunchy has started a non-profit, working with aid agencies, to get women to sew or donate reusable pads to these women - and asked me if I'd help. Not only do I want to help, but I can't say enough how much admire Crunchy's passion - and her speed. It was less than a week before she had a project up and going.
So I strongly recommend that all of my readers read Crunchy's posts on this matter:http://crunchychicken.blogspot.com/2008/02/last-monday-i-posted-about-how-i-was.html and http://crunchychicken.blogspot.com/2008/02/using-your-sewing-skills-for-good.html and visit her new website here: http://www.goods4girls.org/ and make a donation, either of your time or money. I will be.
You will also soon be able to donate through this site, but as you all know, I'm a techno-moron, and the addition of something as complex as a donation button to my blog is way, way beyond my skills. So I'm relying on a kind friend to help me.
And, as long as we're talking bodily fluids here, may I also recommend that everyone think seriously about their own, as well as the menstrual needs of the world's poor. Disposable menstrual products bite - they aren't as pleasant or comfortable as the reusable ones, they cost tons more, and they add to landfill waste and used ones produce methane, an greenhouse gas with many times the warming power of carbon. While teenage girls may not yet be ready to carry around used pads (although it is perfectly possible to do so very discreetly), all us grownup women have no excuse.
You have a whole host of choices here - long lasting, very comfortable cups like the Keeper and the Diva Cup (I have a diva):http://www.gladrags.com/category/menstrual-cups, and various cloth pads that can be made: Note, the ppatterns Crunchy is using work well for ourselves too: http://www.goods4girls.org/2008/02/sewing-patterns.html or bought: http://www.moonpads.com/ or some other site - my own come from gladrags, and I've been very happy with them:http://www.gladrags.com/ but She Who Must Be Crunched has a list here:http://www.goods4girls.org/2008/02/how-to-donate.html.
While you are doing good in Africa, if you aren't using reusable menstrual supplies, do good here, for us and the entire planet, and switch over.
And men, I don't want to hear any whinging about this post. In fact, unless you are gay or celibate and never interact with women under 60, you should be reading this with some interest. Perhaps you have a daughter, a friend, a sister, or a wife who might be interested in this information. There are lots of women out there who might be nervous about doing this because they've been taught that menstruation is dirty or bad. It helps to have a husband or friend who deals matter of factly with your period, and who (if the relationship is intimate enough to allow for this) is gently encouraging (without pressure) to make the conversion.
And please, folks, donate to Crunchy's project. It is such a little thing - and a huge thing - women's education is enormously important for their political and social status, their reproductive future (education is tightly correlated with birthrates) and their economic and environmental security. It would be easy to underestimate how important this is. Fortunately, Crunchy hasn't!

And next on the bodily fluids parade: the reusable condom, its engineering and the future of sperm (which isn't actually a joke - I've written about this: http://casaubonsbook.blogspot.com/2006/09/hey-engineers.html)
Just wanted to add in a thought here: even if you use disposables, most of us can use a lot fewer simply by being less squeamish. Towards the end of a period, most women just spot. There is no earthly reason why we need "protection" at this stage. Stop buying panty liners and simply wash the knickers.
Last weekend my son's girlfriend and several of her friends came to our house to ask me about a Diva Cup and Glad Rags; after about an hour of answering questions, they descended on the green store two blocks away en masse and just about bought out their supply of size ones.
This store is staffed mostly by women, and they have the Diva Cups and Glad Rags as the primary focus of the menstrual products display: there are disposables, but they're on lower shelves and there are posters discussing TSS and the strain they put on the local water filtration plant.
Hanne Blank has a collection of essays coming out later this year on menstruation; if you're not reading Hanne's blog, I heartily recommend it.
Your post raises so many issues it is difficult to know where to stop. I was raised up in a household of women and have known a few more along the way. My wife is the only one of them all for whom the menstrual cycle and the attached issues are taboo. I once asked what she might do if disposables ceased to be available. The blank stare I got spoke volumes and I've not had the courage to approach the subject again. Her only comment was to suggest the her need for those things (pads etc.)had better be done with by the time they aren't being made. I pointed out that we have two sons and that there were likely to be two not so well informed women out there who will be foolish enough to marry them. Therefore we'd probably end having to solve the problem anyway. Better to do so with experience in hand, rather then just winging it. No pun in tended. I even had the audacity to reminder her that as I'm the house husband I'd be responsible for ensuring the laundering part of the cycle. Again, no pun intended. My darling wife would have none of it. The seed was planted and I remain hopeful. We'll see I guess.
I also had a mad moment to suggest a toilet paper free day once. My sons rolled their eyes in disbelief. She who must be obeyed simple left the table without comment. Another brain fart that has gone a long way to suggest I should be institutionalized.
It's hard try to save the world all by your self.
Regards Roy.
Wow. Roy. Your wife sounds like a peach.
Roy, you sound like a great husband, but I think squeamishness on your wife's part can't be condemned. I grew up in that kind of culture here in Minnesota. My dh and I talk freely with our kids, but no one talked to me as a kid about any of this stuff! In fact, it was discouraged.
My dear husband has no problems washing my pads when it happens to be him doing the laundry. I'm actually kind of amazed by this! I don't exactly love washing his dirty underwear!!! But, I guess I do it anyway, too. It just needs to be done.
And we have both washed enough dirty diapers that nothing makes us flinch anymore...
While I don't use cloth pads yet, I'm on my way. Actually, I find that easier to switch to than toilet cloth but I'm getting there, too, just a lot slower.
I suspect that never having to change a diaper has something to do with my reluctance...
Amelia - hurray for all those young women! It's wonderful that they have someone like you to turn to! That's cases of disposable pads never reaching a landfill nor tampons in the sewer. Good show!
I've seen those commercials, and they make me sick! I mean, don't tell me that these girls haven't had access to rags for at least the length of time since Africa was colonized by Europe. I'm in complete agreement with you that it's simply a ploy to pull more money out of the poor & impoverished for the pockets of multi-billionair-run corporations.
I went off my depo provera a year & a half ago when I had my tubes tied (so that _I_ would never be subjected to an unwanted pregnancy, no matter what else may be done to my body), and started immediately with reusable cotton pads. I ordered a trial batch, and sewed many more of my own using the first trial batch as a jumping off point. Only 2 times in the year & a half since I started menstruating again have I used disposables (during road-trips out of town when packing along soiled pads would be too much a nusance), and I've hated every minute.
I've recently started talking about it with coworkers (when the topic of our periods comes up), with friends..... I'm working on getting the word out in my small corner. It's amazing how many women go "ya know.... I never thought about it like that, but you're right?!?! Disposables ARE uncomfortable, and why AM I paying big bucks for something so necessary to my life, making somebody else rich for a product like this?!?!" I love seeing my friends walk away from one of our conversations with their eyes opened about this.
Thanks for reminding us how important it is to keep talking about even the most private of issues.
I think there are really good intentions with this project. I have some reservations. Africa is a very large landmass with a huge number of cultures within it. When people from wealthy nations start talking about 'girls from Africa' my first concern is that this isn't another form of cultural colonisation.
I hope that Crunchy Chicken can put up alot more detail on the website about the countries involved and the cultures from within those countries, the agencies involved, and some analysis of the cultural issues involved.
I also think that in many places in Africa you can't talk about menstruation without talking about female genital mutilation.
Another issue, for us all I think, is that traditionally across many cultures women's bleeding has been a time of power and timeout from daily affairs. I get that the girls being discussed have huge blocks to getting education and I'm not saying this initiative is wrong, however I think we need to examine the idea that women should be going to school or work when they bleed. I see a direct correlation between many menstrual cycle problems and the fact that we are expected to hide our blood and carry on as normal (i.e. as if we are men).
I also wish Crunchy well with the project :-)
What I want to know is... where did you pick up the British spelling/usage for "whining"? And why?
Just curious. Are you a Potter freak? :-)
As you're on the subject of our period, I wanted to mention something amazing I found out a few years ago: It is possible to release the menstrual blood at will! This way, you don't need to use lots of "machinery" to protect yourself from it, just go to the bathroom every now and then and release it there.
I use about one pad a day during my period, and I know women who don't use anything at all. We all heard about it from the wonderful Merav Sherman, and if you read Hebrew you should definitely check out her site at http://www.veset.co.il.
Greenpa, you can't spend much of your adult life studying British literature without picking up a host of Britishisms, anachronistic constructions and all sorts of odd expressions.
I like Harry Potter books reasonably well, although I wouldn't call myself a "freak" on the subject. Just a freak in general ;-).
Cheaper than the diva cup, which still requires you to buy a "product," is a sea sponge. Buy cheap at a paint store. Cut into chunks, boil to sterilize. Rinse in vinegar at night.
Polly, how does buying sea sponges not require you to "buy a product?" I prefer my silicone cup because it's easily washable and dryable, portable, reusable for much longer than a sponge, doesn't require boiling, squeezing, waiting for drying, or any of that. I've also heard not-so-great things about the harvesting of sea sponges.
And I suspect that you'll spend close to as much, if not more, in the long run, on sponges than I did on my cup.
--Shana in MO
Oh, know I'm a late addition to the comments here. I've just discovered you blog!
I LOVE using cloth pads. I bought several from individual sellers on Etsy, and then one of my readers sent me a whole batch of Luna Pads as a bloggie love gift. (She uses the Diva and just doesn't ever use needs the Lunas).
Anyway, once you switch you won't go back. Your body feels better because that itchy plastic and such isn't right up on you. They absorb better. You have less changes because they work better.
I just throw mine in a small pot of water to soak a bit and then either machine or hand wash.
Ahhhh...humm.....maybe too crunchy here.....but save the water for your plants. It is a miracle fertilizer.
To the owner of this blog, how far youve come?
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Interesting blog post!!
Well, I wonder what the African women had used before, in the centuries before white people came?
of course cloth pads or diva cups are better than disposable plastics, I do wonder how culture-appropriate they are, especially in eg desert regions with little or no water?
I read the book about the woman who travelled the desert with Australian aborigines, and women there collected natural materials to use.. I wonder how okay something like that would be..(?)
They do seem a better disposable product for the desert, so I wonder if african women used something like that too? & if they could use something similar today too?
(in that case just reminding them to go for wisdom of their ancestors would be better?)
/maybe a bit re-invented & modernized in design & appeal?/
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會選擇上午場酒店工作的小姐們 梁曉尊/梁小尊 劃出4個族群
2.避免客人和業績幹部的流動(有些消費者會因故提早消費 怕流失到其他店的午場)
所以午場可以說是附屬 各店還是以晚場為經營主力
B.為何午場的生意只是晚場的2~3成呢 原因有以下:
1.一般商務客 於5點下班 7.8點用完餐 大約九點左右到店內消費(這是最單純的消費客層)
2.下午的消費者 可以說十分特別(就如同妳不會凌晨2點去超市買菜一樣... 就是怪!!)
因為午場的消費者較少 所以生意量普遍不高(收入也可能是晚場的2~3成)
下午:3點班、4點班、5點班、6點班 (每個班次往後推7小時,就是妳的上班時間)
晚間:7點班、8點班、9點班 (每個班次往後推7小時,就是妳的上班時間)
1.必須把最後一桌坐完(例如客人7點進場消費到10點半 妳要坐到該客人離場 不能中途卡檯)
2.若堅持9點離開公司 則公司於7.8點左右就不會安排妳看檯(對收入有很大影響)
所以許多小姐大都會選擇午場跨晚場 (一星期加班晚場2~3天 該桌結束 可隨時下班) 以增加自己的收入。
2020.04.06酒店工作在去酒店之前,一定要給自己定一個目標及方向,你必需了解自己為何來酒店上班,目的何在? 酒店打工出發點是什麼?
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1: 酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容已現在酒店上班沒有所謂的簽合約/切結書,因為這樣是綁小姐的做法,很不道德…【小姐總有一天會離開,強求她留在八大這是不人道的行為】
2: 我在酒店上班的日子在職人員想更換經紀人或酒店不想做了…卻有合約在身怎麼辦~…!?我梁曉尊直接跟你說可以馬上離開了
a : 酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?合約內容酒店小姐上班通常會取什麼名字?本身要件要有【商營利事業登記編號/還有政府認證核發蓋章】因為這些文件都是要繳稅的….一但登報稅了,您自己想想妳在職期間這幾年{妳}家人~早就會知道你在八大行業了…..反而家人卻沒發現,每年也都沒有繳稅單更沒有勞健保,因為這份是假合約【法律用語:偽造文書】
b :合約內容常有一段話:幾年以內不能離職/幾年內不能更換經紀人。這番話已經觸犯【法律用語:強制罪】
c :從一開始的違法合約到內容的不人道,甚至離職還又要賠償..。我梁曉尊跟妳說【妳被唬了】
d : 酒店小姐去酒店上班都一定要出場接s嗎?重頭到尾觸法的假合約,真的到警察局/法院 {妳}是贏家。
e :我梁曉尊做經紀人快十年了…我還沒見過有經紀公司拿著合約去警局敢賭這件事。
2020.07.30不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因日本鑑於東京酒店區染疫人數快速竄升,政府衛生單位週一推出系列影片,邀請酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容招待拍攝防疫教育影片,過程以Q&A方式進行,主題我在酒店上班的日子圍繞在必知新冠肺炎資訊,酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?以期能防止疫情持續擴大。Alarmed by a spike in infections in Tokyo’s nightlife districts, the metropolitan government has released educational videos in the form of a Q&A between nightclub hosts, a hostess and a doctor, hoping to stem the spread of the coronavirus.「你覺得年輕的新冠肺炎患者會出現什麼樣的病症?」
“What kind of symptoms can a young COVID-19 patient expect?”
“What are medical costs like?”
「酒店小姐去酒店上班都一定要出場接s嗎?」“How often should we sanitize our hands?”三支影片中邀請在紅燈區工作的年輕酒店接待。自從、五月底日本政府解除緊急狀態,東京紅燈區爆出多人確診新冠肺炎案例。Those are some of the questions posed in the three videos that feature young workers from nightclubs in the city’s red-light districts where infections have crept up since the government lifted a state of emergency in late May.第一則約7至8分鐘的影片邀請到知名酒店男公關平良翔太,他向醫生詢問一些基本,像是無症狀患者確診後是否有可能傳染給他人。In the first of the 7-8 minute videos, a nightclub host Shota Taira asks the doctor general questions such as whether an asymptomatic person who has tested positive could infect others. 得到解答後,平良翔太把心型抱枕拋出,象徵交棒給下一位受訪酒店小姐一条響。
2020.08.09不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因我很慶我幸身為一個女人。也很慶幸我是一個打扮起來還不差的女人。十八歲生日沒有狂歡沒有慶祝。酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容在網路上找了間經紀公司,當天下午就開始上班。我在酒店上班的日子年輕的肉體再加上尚未染上風塵的氣質,很快我成了店裡的紅牌。下午茶玩的是什麼? 酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?酒店晚上營業,下午時段店家場地借給午茶,就是在那樣的小包廂裡,一個客人一個小姐,大約五十分鐘的時間,就看小姐怎麼讓客人在這短短的時間小小的包廂裡喜歡上自己。酒店小姐上班通常會取什麼名字?有客人喜歡,才會有指台,酒店小姐去酒店上班都一定要出場接s嗎?才會有預約。中午十二點上班,晚上八、九點下班,換了衣服卸了妝,身邊沒有人發現我的工作特殊。一樣的一天八小時,每上一台我可以領個一千。或許吧!有的人覺得我出賣身體、出賣靈魂。但是我寧可出賣這些,也不想過像我的父母那樣的生活,那樣捉襟見肘的生活,那樣跟西家借錢還東家的生活,那樣無止盡為錢爭吵的生活,那樣要躲在家裡不出聲不開燈以免被發現的生活,那樣連感冒想去藥局買個成藥都要惦量惦量的生活。還記得工作第一個禮拜,我領了兩萬多的薪水。那些扣除林林總總後居然還有這樣多!這是我第一次拿著那麼多錢,我好想大聲地告訴我的父母,我會賺錢了,若是時光回溯,我是不是就可以幫上你們的忙了?大約過了兩三個月,一開始覺得「領好多錢」的感覺也沖淡了。開始審視自己要的是什麼?我想要有一個家,一個完完全全屬於我的家,一個不用因為繳不出房租被房東趕的家。於是我不再是那個滿足於一個禮拜領個三萬左右的女孩。
大多數的酒店小姐都不會透露自己的真實身分,我們也會提醒小姐做好自我保護,每位酒店小姐上班都有自己的理由跟目的,別期待別人對妳說真話,更別輕易相信別人口中說出來的話,酒店小姐往往滿腹委屈不知道該向誰傾訴,這時妳必須找到一個值得妳信賴的人,除了傾聽妳心裡的話之外,並且提供妳多元的意見,我不敢說 我是聖人 更不是偉人,但我是能幫助妳的人。我相信,適時適度的抒發情緒對工作上是有很大的助益的,讓梁曉尊帶妳走過人生中最低潮的時刻,陪妳共同創造出屬於妳的美麗世界。
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