There is little question that it is time for us to create a new Victory Garden movement. That's one of the central premises of Aaron's and my book, and I don't think there are very many people who understand what we're facing who would deny that this is true.
In fact, there are quite a number of people in the Community Garden movement, and the blogging community who have supported the creation of a new Victory Garden movement. Some people doing this work include Bob Waldrop, whose call to action on local food systems has drawn considerable attention here (among other places): , Foodshed Planet's site has inspired others, and the group Revive the Victory Garden, who have called for 2 million new gardens to combat climate change in 2008:, and there are literally too many others for me to list. But the movement is nascent, still beginning, and seems to need a little midwifing to get things moving along.
The reality is that interest in really, really local food is growing, and so is interest in food production, as food prices skyrocket and quality falls. And the best news is that this is a case where grassroots action not only can work, but it is the only thing that ever has worked - that is, in the US during both World Wars, in Cuba, in Russia - gardens for food security began and grew under the aegis of ordinary people acting to improve their world. While we can enable it from above, the creation of a victory garden movement is a person to person, blog to blog, neighbor to neighbor project.
Why do it? A host of reasons, personal and political.
Victory Gardens Mean:
-Better Food - Fresher, better tasting, straight off the plant food money literally cannot buy!
- Better Health - More nutrition in just picked vegetables, grown without chemicals, while getting the kind of exercise many of us pay the gym for! Safety from industrial food contamination and toxic imports.
-Food Security - Food in your pots as prices get higher, supplies that can't be disrupted by energy shortages, greater regional self-sufficiency. Millions of new gardeners can make sure that Americans don't have to wait for distant food supplies to be trucked in - weeks after they are needed. Every gardener makes your region more secure.
-Higher Quality of Life - A more beautiful environment, stronger community, a better environment.
-More Money in your Pocket, More Time for What Matters - If you don't need as much money for food, or to work as many hours to pay the grocery bills, you can use that money or take that time for what you really care about.
- The Chance to Serve Others and Create a More Just Society - Your Victory Garden can be a strike against hunger and poverty - you can have food to donate, and the ability to teach others to fish, and thus, eat for a lifetime.
- Reduce Corporate Power and Improve Democracy - We cannot simultaneously deplore the power corporations have in our society and depend on them to supply our most basic necessities. If we stop giving our hard earned money to the corporations who undermine our democracy, they will be less powerful!
-Protect Against Climate Change - Humus rich soils, full of organic matter can sequester tons of carbon, quite literally - and grow the best vegetables. We reduce our carbon emissions when we don't have to drive to the store or buy fossil fuel grown food.
-Reduce our Energy Dependence - Fossil fuels are used in agriculture, both industrial and industrial organic at every step, from the fertilizer in teh ground to the refrigerated truck to plastic bag they come in. We can eliminated fossil fuels from almost every step when we grow our own.
-Create Peace - We are at war for oil - reducing our fossil fuel dependency through Victory Gardens gives us hope for Peace in our time.
-Hope for the Future - In a changing world, the ability to grow food, to share and enjoy it, and to live in a healthy world full of beautiful gardens may be the best legacy we can our children and grandchildren.
Ok, so we agree that we need Victory Gardens. How do we bring all the participants in this movement together, and create a real and national Victory Garden movement? How do we bring together professional farmers, with Victory Farms and city Gardeners, schools and community resources, and backyard advocates? How do we get Victory Gardening onto the national agenda? How do we teach millions of people how to grow, cook and eat their own, and why?
One part, of course, is the person to person work we're doing now. The next step is to create a large-scale Victory Garden umbrella organization guided by people in every part of the Victory Garden movement - chefs and cooks helping people learn to eat, teachers helping children get involved, churches, corporations and community groups all putting gardens on public and private greenspaces, local "garden farmer markets" where very small scale producers can exchange or sell their extra in their neighborhoods, climate change and energy activists working on this simple way to cut our energy usage and reduce atmospheric carbon. That is, we need a movement - a real, serious movement. And we can do this.
And to get those new gardens and gardeners started. And for that, we need your help. We'll be asking for more specific help as we go along, but getting started, we'd love all of you who blog to put out the Victory Garden idea, even if you usually write about other things. If you can, start a Victory Garden blog, and post a link in comments - I'll put links up on this site and my other one. And make the effort - reach out to one neighbor, at least, and help them get started gardening. Share seeds. Talk to your community, your synagogue, mosque, church, neighbors, school about gardening. Take a risk - for greater security later. Plant a front-yard garden, centered around a "V" for Victory (cabbages look great like this, particularly mixed with nasturtiums or calendula, but use your imagination). Be courageous - we need this Victory!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
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I'm part of a small cloth nappy(diaper) community in new zealand, and all it has taken to get *heaps* of people growing veges has been to say 'it's not too hard, they taste great, and this is how you do it...' a lot of people don't seem to need to be told the great reasons, they just need to be shown the basics of how to do it! :-)
This is great, Sharon. I've already put the idea/call out on my blog.
I'm thinking that one thing we need is a poster. Just like the 1940s posters you keep putting up on your blog, but for today's movement. I know this would involve a lot of paper, but these posters are very eye-catching and would make great publicity.
I know I could put some up at the co-op where I work, and other places around my town. That would be just another easy way for me as an individual to contribute to this movement.
Can you find anyone to do a poster/flyer that we could all download?
Two other ways I can personally contribute would be by writing articles in the newsletters to which I contribute. One is my neighborhood newsletter. Another is my food co-op newsletter (where I work and shop). Your "talking points" will certainly help me to do that.
Anyone else got other ideas? I'm looking forward to them!
P.S. Last night we watched the American Girl movie about Molly, the doll/girl who lived during the 1940s WWII era. Victory Gardens are mentioned in the movie and the books about Molly. That will help as a lot of girls and boys these days are familiar with this story.
I love the "Grow Your Own - Be Sure" poster; it's one that I want to hang on my wall. But a modern Victory Garden propaganda poster would definitely help the cause. And some T-shirts we could all wear to our farmer's markets.
And blogs. We need more blogs.
This is one of my first posts here, but I have to say I love the blog!
On the note of victory gardens and such, I'd have to say that the area of container/apartment friendly gardening should NOT be overlooked. Some of us don't have the option of a grassy yard or non-scorching sun (I live in New Mexico), and I know that people who DO live in Apartments might appreciate cheap and easy setup ideas along with ideas for container victory gardening.
Another thought here would be to get the apartment complex owners/managers in on the idea - having people who know what they're doing (and have done it cheaply!) would go far in teaching other move-ins how to do something on these lines.
I've already started posting about my Victory Garden. Nothing too new right now-it's been too wet to do much. I'm starting to see signs of spring though!
The Revive the Victory Garden group that Sharon has a link to has posters and brochures that can be printed out.
bee creative
Oops I forgot my link:
I'm in. I'm off to post on my blog.
I agree with jlene18. It would be nice if someone included tips on gardening in an apartment. And I don't mean herbs. They are nice and all, and I'm sure they are easy to grow, but that's not something that can feed me. I have not found a book yet that would deal with container gardening in an actual apartment, within four walls. There is container gardening, but it's just gardening on your porch or balcony. I don't have either one of those and I'm really not sure what can I try to grow.
scifichick, your best bet may be to borrow someone else's sunny lawn or rent a community garden.
Because the calories you eat in a vegetable are directly from the sun, growing indoors means being by a sunny window if you have one (which works just like planting on a balcony, basically) or using electric lights...which may defeat the purpose.
There are community gardens everywhere and if you can't find a spot in one (ours has a waiting list) there's always reaching out to the owner of an unused space - the elementary school closest to our house was closed and it's lawn is farmed by the Youth Farm project - or guerrilla gardening.
I will be surprised if we don't see corn & squash growing in the yards of some foreclosed homes this summer.
I live in an apartment also, like jlene18 and scifichick. Two books that I have found to be useful are The After-Dinner Gardening Book by Richard W. Langer and Gardening Indoors Under Lights by Frederick H. and Jacqueline L. Kranz.
Pat Meadows had a wonderful site on container gardening. If you look on the other people's writing bit of Sharon's home page you'll see the link.
Funny, I was just writing on my blog about where food comes from the other day, in response to a question from my 4 year old. I was planning on talking about my planned garden in an upcoming post... I guess now is a great time!
Thanks, Sharon! You are always inspiring.
Hi, just found your site, the Victory Garden 'thang' is in the air, and certainly something whose time has come again. My grandfather created a victory garden in WWII era Glendale, CA. , and it is from him that I get my love of gardening. I have a blog dedicated to sustainable gardening here
if you add the following to the link
2007/11/indian-summer.html it
will take you to my post on victory gardens. I have posted pictures, and processes, and it should develop more over time. Here's to the cause and love's revolution...oh yeah, I can think up posters...let's talk
Not a separate blog, but I've posted a link on my regular blog to your Victory Garden post, and talked briefly about my intention to start the planning for this year.
Heather G
I just started doing some research on the previous Victory Garden movements in the US and Canada in this post over at
I think you are right about creating an umbrella org. In WWII they had the USDA and Civilian Defense and a number of corporations to sponsor the program. Then there were thousands of local committees that coordinated the work, so not a small undertaking.
There was also great emphasis in the 40's on canning and preserving and using the hot new thing- refrigeration. This is an area of knowledge I'd like to see re-emphasized.
Thank you for bringing the VG movement to a larger audience!
Activist art group Futurefarmers have already begun reviving the VG program in San Francisco, with the help of the city government:
They're still figuring out the details of the program is going to work, but the plan is to provide thousands of residents with start-up kits, seeds, and education in the next couple years.
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That would be just another easy way for me as an individual to contribute to this movement.
Your "talking points" will certainly help me to do that.
they taste great
Can you find anyone to do a poster/flyer that we could all download?
Nothing too new right now-it's been too wet to do much.
That will help as a lot of girls and boys these days are familiar with this story.
Nothing too new right now-it's been too wet to do much.
That will help as a lot of girls and boys these days are familiar with this story.
I love the "Grow Your Own - Be Sure" poster
Anyone else got other ideas? I'm looking forward to them!
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